Entertainment/Movies & Shows

The Holdovers, 2023

Avon 2023. 11. 26. 00:01


Over the 2023 Thanksgiving weekend, I chose to see "The Handovers". It is one of the satifying movies I have seen in a long time.  The story is set in a prep school, in New England, in 1970. This movie focuses on lives of 3 individuals, a history teacher (who is not well-liked), a cook (a grieving mother), and a student (a troubled teenager), who spent the Christmas break in school.  All three characters have their own stories, struggling with their own past, and feeling helplessness in their lives.  The movie is not sappy or corny, but it shows harsh reality of lives in general. Even though I was able to predict the ending of the story, it is a well-done piece of work!  Hope... eventually, all three characters see the hope in their future.


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